24.43 Acres Land, Platts Lane, Bucknall


For Sale £175,000

land for sale in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire

Key Features

  • 24.43 Acres Arable Land
  • Direct Highway Access
  • For Sale by Informal Tender
  • Tender Date: Friday 25th April 2025 at 12noon

PGM&Co are favoured with instructions to offer a block of arable land extending to 24.43 Acres (9.88 Hectares), on the edge of the village of Bucknall, Lincolnshire.

The Land is offered For Sale by Informal Tender as a whole – Tender Date: Friday 25th April 2025 at 12noon.

Location -

The land lies off Platts Lane, to the north of the village of Bucknall.

Situated approximately 5 miles west from Horncastle and 5 miles north from Woodhall Spa, the village offers a small primary school, village hall, park and public footpaths. Woodhall Spa is a popular central Lincolnshire village and is well served by local amenities, including range of shops, restaurants and hotels and schools.

Description -

The land has historically been farmed as part of a traditional arable rotation, and has been laid to grass in the previous 2 cropping years.

It is classified as Grade lll by reference to the Land Classification map for the region (East Midlands ALC005). Referred to by Landis Soilscapes as predominantly base-rich loamy and clayey soils. The land is deemed mostly suited to grass production, and some cereal production.

Drainage -

The land has been drained to open ditches as necessary. Plans available on request.

Services -

There are no services connected to the land.

Local Authority -

East Lindsey District Council.

Rural Payments/Subsidy Schemes -

Delinked payments will be retained by the Seller. The land has not been entered into any Environmental Stewardship or ELM Schemes, offering the purchaser the flexibility of formulating their own scheme.

Outgoings -

Drainage charges on the land are payable to the Internal Drainage Board.

Designations -

The land lies in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ).

Boundaries -

The Purchaser will be responsible for construction of a new, stock proof, fence along the new boundaries (shown yellow on the enclosed plan).

Existing boundaries consist of a combination of hedges and dykes. The purchaser shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the boundaries and neither the Seller nor the Selling Agent will be responsible for defining the boundaries or their ownership.

Plans & Areas -

These have been prepared as carefully as possible they are for identification purposes only and although are believed to be correct their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Tenure & Possession -

The Land is offered for sale Freehold with Vacant Possession on completion.

Holdover/Early Entry -

Possession is subject to holdover at no additional charge (where applicable). Early Entry may be available by prior agreement.

Tenantright & Dilapidations -

Where the sale gives rise to a claim for tenantright, successful purchaser(s) will be required to pay for any seeds, fertiliser, cultivations, sprays and acts of husbandry relating to any growing crops on the land based on CAAV costings and actual costs. Dilapidations are not allowed.


It is understood that none of the land is elected for VAT.

Rights of Way, Easements & Wayleaves -

The land is offered for sale subject to all existing rights and with the benefit of existing rights of way whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, and electricity supplies and other rights, easements and wayleaves whether referred to or not in these particulars.

An overhead electricity transmission line traverses the land.

Sporting, Timber & Mineral Rights -

The timber, mineral & sporting rights are included in the sale in so far as they are owned. They are in hand.

Method of Sale -

The property is offered for sale by Informal Tender as a whole. Interested parties are invited to submit their offer(s) on the attached Tender Form in a sealed envelope marked ‘Bucknall’ by 12 noon on Friday 25th April 2025, to the offices of the Selling Agents at Perkins George Mawer & Co., Corn Exchange Chambers, Queens Street, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3EH.
All offers are subject to the Tender Conditions as set out on the Tender Form.

Buyer Identity Check -

Prospective buyers will be required to provide the necessary identification for the purposes of the Anti-Money Laundering regulations.

Viewing -

Prospective purchasers may view the Land during daylight hours with a set of these Particulars of Sale to hand.

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Corn Exchange Chambers, Queen Street, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3EH

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